You want to play the version for PC but don't have a PlayStation 3 or 4? Then you need to get the ported version of the The Last of Us for Windows.
This website provides download mirrors for the PC version of The Last of Us for PC.
The The Last of Us for PC works exactly the same as on the console and you can use the keyboard and mouse to control the game but we recommend to use a game-pad/controller to enhance your gaming experience, after all the console version was designed to play with a controller.
If you want to play this game you should go to the download section on this website and follow the steps provided there.
If you want to know if your PC can run this game you can compare the specs of your PC with the reccomended requierments found at the bottom of this page.
If you experience any errors or bugs and want to help us improve the PC ported version of The Last of Us then goto the contact page and send us an e-mail with details about the found problem(s).
Have fun playing the The Last of Us on PC!
Here are the The Last of Us system requirements:
CPU: 2.60GHz (2 CPUs)
OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7
GPU: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB or AMD HD 4870 1GB
HDD: 60 GB
CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7
HDD: 60 GB
Soon after The Last of Us was ported and playable on Windows the group called "Unk0wnF1r3" lost most of its valueable members and disband.Team Unk0wnF1r3 proudly presents The Last of Us ported for Windows.
By using a leak from Naughty Dog back in 2015 it was made possible for "team Unk0wnF1r3" to port the game that originally is only avalable for PlayStation consoles to be played on Windows.
Disclaimer: We love Naughty Dog and Sony Computer Entertainment. ”Naughty Dog” and “Sony Computer Entertainment” are trademarks, copyright, etcetera, of Sony Computer Entertainment.